Fisheries Literature

A variety of fisheries-related publications relevant to Turneffe Atoll and the Mission of Turneffe Atoll Trust.


A comprehensive rewrite of the Belize Fisheries Act overseen largely by Janet Gibson and WCJ

Belize Fisheries Act Revised Edition 2000

Likely the first documented spawning activity of permit (Trachinotus falcatus) - an important flats fishing species

Courtship and Spawning Behavior of Carangid Species in Belize (Permit)

Rachel T. Graham & Daniel W. Castellanos

An Overview of Belize’s fisheries in 2008

Overview of Fisheries in Belize 2008

Environmental Defense Fund

A summary of Turneffe’s commercial fisheries in 2000

Commercially Important Species at Turneffe Atoll

Rosalie Gardener & Alastair R. Harborne

In the 1930s, Turneffe Atoll had a thriving commercial sponging industry

Preliminary Evaluation of Commercial Sponge Resources in Belize with Reference to Turneffe Islands Sponge Farm

J.M. Stevely & D.E. Sweat

An overview of Belize’s spawning aggregation sites focusing on Nassau Grouper (4 sites at Turneffe)

Will Heyman & Nicanor Requena

Status of Multi-Species Spawning Aggregations in Belize


Belze Fisheries Department Annual Report 2002