Turneffe Atoll Development Guidelines

A Comprehensive Guide for Development at Turneffe Atoll

A myriad of environmental laws and regulations, overseen by several regulatory bodies, have been enacted to ensure that development at Turneffe, and like marine areas, are done properly. Finding and following all of these can be difficult and confusing, often leading to important steps being overlooked. To complicate this further, permitting agencies in Belize don’t have the resources to adequately oversee all potential projects. In the past, this combination has led to development being done in a haphazard manner, often with significant environmental consequences.

Turneffe Atoll Trust consolidated pertinent laws and regulations from all sources and developed the Turneffe Atoll, Developer’s Guide. This is meant to assist anyone interested in development and Turneffe and also meant to ensure that environmental laws and regulations are closely followed for all development at Turneffe Atoll.

The Guide is available upon email request from Turneffe Atoll Trust.

As noted, regulatory agencies often do not have the resources to effectively monitor projects. When possible, Turneffe Atoll Trust has assisted regulatory agencies with boat trips and other assistance to ensure their ability to oversee projects.