Marine Reserve (MPA) Literature

Literature about Marine Protected Areas in Belize and Elsewhere

By the National Biodiversity Counsel & the Department of National Resources in 1998

Belize National Biodiversity Strategy

N.D. Jacobs & A. Castenda

By the Task Force on Belize’s Protected Areas and Systems Plan in 2005

The Belize National Protected Areas Policy

Jan Meerman & J. Roger Wilson

A history of Belize’s Protected Areas beginning in 1920

History of Protected Area Designation, Co-Management and Community Participation in Belize

Dr. Colin A. Young & Dr. Robert Horwich

Classification Recommendations In 1999

Classification Scheme for Marine Habitats of Belize

Peter J. Mumby & Alastair R. Harborne

A comprehensive Management Plan for Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve (2012-2017)

Turneffe Atoll Management Plan