Destructive Development

Examples of Improper & Destructive Development & and What Should be Avoided

Perhaps the largest threat facing Turneffe Atoll is improper, destructive development. Commonly, this involves deforesting mangroves and then "creating" new land by “filling” these low-lying areas with dredge spoils. More recently, over-the-water development has been proposed which would degrade the unique and valuable natural assets of the atoll - particularly its fringe coral reef and backreef flats.

These forms of development destroy the critically important mangrove swamps at Turneffe and further destroy the sea grass beds and back reef flats by dredging to fill these areas. Mangrove deforestation and dredging further degrade Turneffe’s marine ecosystem by destroying critical fish habitat, destroying sea grass beds, and damaging the coral reef.

These issues have been directly addressed by Coastal Zone advisory committees and the Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve, as well as a Belize’s environmental laws such as the Mangrove Act. However, permitting agencies have too often failed to recognize these guidelines and have occasionally avoided environmental laws such as the requirement for Environmental Impact Assessments.

Coastal Zone Management Authority and Institute - Development  Recommendations 

Turneffe Islands Coastal Advisory Committee (TICAC) GUIDELINES

In 2003, the Turneffe Islands Coastal Advisory Committee (TICAC) arduously reviewed all potential development on the Turneffe Atoll.  More than 90 locations were  recommended for potential sustainable development on the Atoll (see "Turneffe Development Guidelines").  TICAC felt strongly that certain development practices would be improper at Turneffe and they should not be permitted.  These include the following:
   1. Dredging of any sort
   2. Over-the-water Development
   3. Clearing or development on the small backreef cayes

Turneffe Atoll Coastal Advisory Committee

In 2011, a second Coastal Advisory Committee, Turneffe Atoll Coastal Advisory Committee (TACAC), made similar recommendations regarding Turneffe Atoll development. Again, this included specific recommendations related to Dredging, Over-the-water Development and clear of mangroves.

Below are "Position Papers" developed by TACAC related to these issues.


Background: In 2009, TACAC members felt that Development Guidelines for the Turneffe Atoll prohibit all dredging at Turneffe.  The Geology and Petroleum Department, who permit dredging projects, indicated their position that dredging at Turneffe should be decided on a “case-by-case basis”.

TACAC’s Final Position:
Protection of Turneffe’s environment, particularly the reef, the back reef flats and the sea grass beds is key to the survival of both commercial fishing and tourism, the two major economies at Turneffe.  Dredging at Turneffe will have a negative impact on these habitats, and as such, an adverse effect on the economy of Turneffe.

Coral reefs are particularly sensitive and can be easily damaged by silt and runoff from dredging.  The reef system at Turneffe has been under increased stress over the past few years due to coral bleaching from El Nino and damage from Hurricanes Mitch and Keith in 1998 and 2000. Additional man-made stress from dredging should be avoided.

It was TACAC’s understanding that the attached photographs show a dredging project that was authorized as a small-scale dredging operation to restore beach eroded by recent hurricanes.  Unfortunately, the effects of this project on the reef, back reef flats and sea grass beds are substantial and obvious.

In short, dredging conflicts with the two overriding goals of the Turneffe Island Development Guidelines, i.e. sustainable economic development and protection of the unique and fragile environment at Turneffe.

Compromise Recommendation:
There may be isolated situations where minimal dredging is safe and warranted but permits for dredging, sand mining or filling should only be issued under the following rigid guidelines:

  • No dredging, sand mining or filling shall be allowing within ½ mile of a reef.

  • Dredging at Turneffe shall only be allowed if no detrimental effect to the reef, back reef flats or seagrass beds are caused.

  • Dredging projects at Turneffe shall be limited to a maximum of 500 cubic yards.

  • No dredging shall be approved within 1/2 mile of any previous dredging.

Land development at Turneffe shall be confined to lands that are naturally supportive of such development.  No dredging, sand mining or filling shall be allowed to artificially create land for development.

Other developmental techniques were also addressed by TACAC including over-the-water development and development of small backreef cayes.

Over The Water Development at Turneffe

Background: TACAC recommended that over-the-water closed structures should not be allowed at Turneffe and the Department of Environment (DOE) was presented with the following recommendations.

The construction of over-water structures will be considered, by relevant agencies, on a case-by-case basis. However, in order to be considered, the following minimum requirements would have to be satisfied:

  • Siting of structures will not affect navigation of vessels

  • Structures will be sited in areas where coastal waters are shallow for a considerable distance

  • Clean technologies (approved by DOE) will be utilized for liquid and sewage disposal

  • Structures are not in close proximity to reef systems

  • Structures will not affect general aesthetics of the area

  • Structures are designed to withstand hurricane force winds.

TACAC’S Position:
The siting of structures over-the-water is inherently adverse to the aesthetics of Turneffe.  The precedent set by allowing lodging quarters, restaurants and bars to be built over the water, is cause for concern. Most coastal villages, such as San Pedro, Caye Caulker and Placencia, have addressed this issue.  With the exception of a few “grandfathered” dive shops and bars; this type of development is not permitted.  The economy of Turneffe is absolutely dependent upon the natural setting - ignoring this fact could cause substantial long-term economic detriment.

Waste management concerns are more difficult with this type of development.  Even though “clean technologies” may initially be required, any leaks, malfunctions etc., could cause immediate detrimental effects to the environment.  Over-the-water construction would require significant on-going monitoring which may be beyond the scope of DOE or other monitoring agencies.

All development at Turneffe is exceptionally vulnerable to hurricanes.  This is born out in that Turneffe has been hit by three hurricanes (Mitch, Keith & Iris) in the past five years. Over-the-water development is certainly more susceptible to hurricane damage.  In recent years, Turneffe has experienced winds far in excess of 70 MPH, the present definition of hurricane force winds.

Protection of Turneffe’s environment, particularly the reef, the back reef flats and the sea grass beds is key to the survival of both commercial fishing and tourism, the two major economies at Turneffe.  Over-the-water structures would have a negative impact on these habitats, and, as such, an adverse effect on the economy of Turneffe.

Compromise Recommendation:

Over-the-water closed structures are strongly discouraged and will be considered by relevant permitting agencies only when the following requirements are met.

  • Structures will not effect the navigation of vessels

  • Structures may not be sited in environmentally sensitive areas such as back reef flats or sea grass beds.

  • Structures may not be sited within 1 mile of any reef.

  • Clean and proven technologies, approved by the DOE, must be in place for removing all waste, including liquid and sewage, to the shore for treatment and disposal.

  • An on-going monitoring plan, including the financing thereof, must be in place and approved by DOE.

  • Structures must be designed and warranted to withstand Category 4 Hurricane winds.

Development of Small Backreef Cayes

In the 1990’s, ninety-five sites on the Turneffe Atoll were evaluated and recommendations were made for their use.  Recommendations were made for both primary and secondary use of these sites.  Following substantial debate and input from all TACAC members, TACAC recommended that “conservation” was the most appropriate land use for a number of sites, and the Development Guidelines reflect these recommendations.

TACAC’s evaluation is that twenty sites are unique and/or special areas which should be protected.  No secondary use is listed for these areas; however, Research and Education are suggested.

There was mention at the Coastal Zone Advisory Committee meeting that the conservation areas have a secondary use, and this was debated by TACAC as well.  It is TACAC’s position that permitting agencies will logically look at either the primary or secondary use of a site as being legitimate.  Therefore, a conservation site with a secondary use is not a conservation site at all.

The number of sites recommended for conservation is relatively small and a review of Turneffe's Development Guidelines will help put it into perspective.

Turneffe Atoll Marine Reserve Management Plan

The Turneffe Atoll Management Plan, developed in 2012, expressed the Marine Reserve’s support for these recommendations by the Coastal Zone Committee.